Work efficiently, even when everyone’s at home..

Work from home Agnese Rudzate organizing thriving business

Work efficiently,

even when everyone's at home..

A lot of things have changed for so many of us and I have to say that this worldwide “Situation” will stay in our memories for some time.

While many of you have been working form home before, things still might be quite different for one reason – all your family is at home with you!

That might be something new – now you have to adapt and be able to work while everyone’s at home.. Meaning, you have to make sure they are allowing you to work, you have to find time for them and for yourself as well.

So let me give you couple of suggestions on how to work more efficiently from home..

Kindly note...

We each are in slightly different situation in our lives, in our homes, in our businesses. That being said, since we all have to be at home now, the following tips might highly increase your work productivity. Be aware that not all of them will be applicable to you, so take what resonates and leave the rest.

1. Work from home is still a work, so treat it like one. It is so easy to get lazy, sleep in, get to your laptop in pjs. Lets be honest here – that will not grow your business, increase produtivity and inspire your family. So get up at the same time, do your morning routine, get dressed and treat your work from home like a real work.

2. Set a time for your work. Start and FINISH time. That will prepare you mentally to work more effectively.  This will also give your family a structure to respect, so you can fully concentrate on what needs to be done and use the time solely on your work. Establish your office hours and communicate your expectations with anyone who are at home with you.. That will help you keep the focus on work. And for your family members that will signal that seriousness of what you do. 

“It is much more productive to work in a structure than chaos.” - Agnese Rudzate

3. The space you work in is supper important. I speak more about that in my video here. But in short, your working place either motivates you or it doesn’t. So to work more productively during the time that you have set for yourself, the space you work in needs to be inviting, motivating, inspiring or making you feel how you want to feel when you are in the process of creation. It involves a lot of basic things like lighting, plants, vision board, etc. Do what ever makes you inspired.

Side note: Having an office space might work for some, but there are times when you just feel stuck. What to do? If it is possible, change your work place. Sit on a couch or work on a balcony to mix things up and to get inspired and uplift your mood. As long as these changes doesn’t distract you, your are good to go.

4. Take a break and move around at least every hour. Sitting too long by your computer will lower your focus, motivation and inspiration. So try to sand up and move around, stretch, make a tea, go and soak up some sun on the balcony, just move. But if you really want to shake off the routine – do quick running in place, frog jumps or dance. That will for sure shake of all distractions. 

5. While background music doesn’t work for me, it might be a great motivator for you. I have spoken with many women who are using inspiring music to help them focus and get in to the mood. Something to try, if you have not already..

6. As difficult as it might be to concentrate when working form home, begin your working day with most important tasks. Like that you will jump start your day efficiently and the rest will follow in alignment with your energy. Schedule your calls, meetings in the afternoon, after your have finished your most important tasks. If work from home is new to you, try to do video calls instead of phone calls — that way you will get can more connection and some social interaction.

7. Don’t let the online space be the first thing you do in the morning – that will highly distract you from your most important tasks. Create first, then consume. You’re phone should be put on silent during your work. And if you think that your phone doesn’t distract you, think again and be honest with yourself and write down every time you are trying to work and end up scrolling your IG? A great way how to avoid this distraction is to schedule times for when you check emails and social media. 


I hope that some of these tips could increase your productivity and inspire to grow your business even when everyones is at home 🙂

Feel free to add any tips in the comment to support each other and inspire to achieve even more…

Here’s to your productivity even working from home with everyone else being at home at the same time… 



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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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Focused work

Focused work

In distracted world focused work becomes rare, therefore even more appreciated and valued. It is not easy, but there are good news for you. Keep reading to find out how you can take your focus to the next level for super-performance.

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4 step method to help you decide if you should call a meeting

It’s truly life-changing once we start to honor our time and stop wasting it on activities that serve us very little. One of those activities are meetings. If you’re a coach who is on their way to level up, communication with your team is your daily necessity. However, there is a big difference between time well spend and time well wasted.

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Get organized to save money

Get organized to save money Learn how highly disorganisation in your personal space affects your financial situation and learn solutions on how to turn that around.

Get organized to save money

Learn how highly disorganisation in your personal space and mind affects your financial situation and learn solutions to turn that around

If you have read my previous blogs and are familiar with my work, you have noticed what emphasis I put on our personal space and how it affect us. I have spoken over and over again about how our organized or disorganized physical space impacts our mood, energy, thoughts, stress level and many many more things, in one (or three) words, our overall well being.

“Our personal space reflects on our life.” - Agnese Rudzate

If you have not realised that before, I would like to open your eyes on this subject in hopes that you can highly improve your financial situation by getting more organized, because our personal space reflects on our life, like does our thoughts and actions, so let’s make it count and create that life we want!

Let me elaborate and introduce you to couple things that does affect your financial situation. To help you deal with those nasty habits that block money from coming in, I have added also solution to every situation.


It can be quite frustrating when you need something, but can’t find it, because you or someone else have misplaced it. It could be done unintentionally because of rush, ignorance or maybe things get misplaced, because they don’t have a designated place! I can tell you that if a thing is not in its place, it could be anywhere. But most importantly you loose time searching, which leads to all kinds of problems – frustration, mood changes, nothing important gets done etc, etc. This is why it is so important to designate places for what is important, because it is what will make your life easier, more convenient, less stressful. Surely you can agree that misplacing things you need can highly affect your mood and the overall energy. Meaning, if you are operation in low vibration, your will get exactly that in return. Don’t think for a second that being angry, disappointed, mad, frustrated will make cash flow in to your wallet.

misplacing solution Get organized to save money Learn how highly disorganisation in your personal space affects your financial situation and learn solutions on how to turn that around.
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It will make life easier for you and your family members, because it is much easier to organise your life once you know where things are when you need them.


You are constantly wasting your precious time while looking for things that you need in that moment. That precious time and energy that you could spend on creating that life of your dreams. But instead you reorganise your mess every time you need to find something. The old saying that Time is Money could not be more relevant here. Your time is valuable and you should treat it accordingly. Respect your time and it will respect you. There is no such thing as too little hours in a day. There is just the right amount. The question is, how wisely are we using it?

mess solution Declutter first and you will be left with less stuff to organize, clean and tidy up.
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To show you the road map, listen to my free audio training of haven’t done so already. There you will learn clear guidance where and with what to start to keep your order in place long term.


When your are trying to do everything at the same time, the truth is, that nothing meaningful gets done. Here I can speak form my experience, because I am a multitasker. Not that it is something bad. In fact it can work in your favour many times, however when it comes to work, it’s not the best solution. Sure, you can paint your nails and talk on the phone while watching TV, but listening to the podcast while trying to focus on your to-do list will not work. I had to learn how to control this habit and make it work in my favour. And I have to say that it is easier said than done. If you are a multitasker like me, embrace it, instead of trying to quite this special power. By that I mean, make the most out of it in the situation where it is absolutely necessary, but when it comes to your work, try and focus on one thing at a time. Because once we loose focus and get distracted it might not be as easy to go back to that state of inspiration and effortless work flow. Believe me, I have been there (many times).

multitasking solution Prioritise your tasks, make a plan and stick to it. Once you organise your day according to your plan and respect it, you will be surprised how much can be done in short amount of time with respect to your priorities. Leave other tasks aside while you are completing one.
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Us women like to multitask, but by trying to do everything at the same time, will only lead you to burn-out and frustration. And eventually the quality of your work will lower and money flow will suffer.


This nasty little inner peace wrecker doesn’t let us be in the moment, in the “now”. Sometimes it is so quite and almost invisible that we barely notice that it is even there. That is until we our eyelid starts to shake, our heart pumps too fast and we can’t not shake that pen or leg. If our personal space distracts us and highly affects our focus, it also affects our productivity and efficiency and eventually the money flow. So get to work and make your work space neat and distraction free. If that alone is not enough and you would like profound, long lasting results no matter the environment you are in, there is a great way to make that happen.

stress solution Meditation has endless benefits. However the results are not immediate (at least for most part), they are so profound and long lasting.
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#20minutesdailymediationchallenge is something I highly recumbent doing. I know that you might think that you don’t have time for this, your might be too busy, in that case, you should meditate for and hour daily. Don’t rush in to it, move slowly, but do it consistently, this is where magic happens.


If you are living within clutter it means you are either purchasing things you do not need, or you are not treating the things you have with the respect they deserve. Then tell me, why should the universe, or whoever you believe in, trust you with more money, when you don’t respect the money that you have been given. You have to realise that more money brings more responsibility, which means that in order to earn that money flow, start to respect and appreciate what you already have. Be grateful and thankful for what has been given to you until now and every time you buy something new, buy it with respect.

clutter solution Every day say Thank You for the things you have. If you can't appreciate some of those things, you most probably don't need them.
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Clear your home, make space for new things to come in to your life, that would also include money. If you want to start right now, read my other article on Things you can get rid of right now here

I want you to take a bid deep breath and take a moment to think through what you have just read. It is important that we look at our physical space with clear head, because only then we see things for what they are. You don’t have to feel like you have already lost this battle. All the solutions mentioned above are doable and believe me when I say that only you have that power, skill set and talent to make your personal space bring out the goddess you are.

You are powerful and more capable than you think. Now you just need to go and do it 🙂

I hope that together we can help more women to get their personal space together by sharing decluttering tips, advices and actions to take towards clarity and confidence. If you believe that someone might benefit from this article, hit that “share” button bellow and let’s make more women realise that they can achieve what they set their mind to.

Let me know in the comments your habits, actions, thoughts that kept you stuck. Remember that realising them is the first step to let them go for good.

I would be happy to learn if any of those solutions have helped you to increase or stabilise your money flow. Don’t hesitate to share in the comments or in a quick email. 



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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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What's behind well managed time

What’s actually behind well managed time?

Take yourself to the next level success with this short but sweet brain science behind well managed time to flow effortlessly through time.
Knowing this will give you a better perspective and insight into your own actions and decisions towards success.

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Planning liberation blog article agnese rudzate productivity business systems

How to make planning Liberating instead of Restricting?

We all plan, like it or not. We plan our meals for the day, we plan our vacations etc.
The frustration comes in when things don’t go as planned. Instead of looking for different options we tend to “quit” and say we prefer to “go with the flow”.
But let me show you how planning can be liberating not restricting.

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Create a plan to move towards your dream and don’t get lost on the way

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Create a plan to move towards your dream

and not get lost on the way

I have come to experience that Planning is so freeing! Honestly! Things always work in my favour if I plan, because it keeps me focused on the end result and gives me clear directions of actions I need to take. But how to know where to start and what should be included so you could be assured  that it will work in your favour?

Planning might sound boring, because it is your time that you will have to spend by the desk with pen and paper rather than paddle boarding or scuba diving. I hear ya when you say: I have tried that, it is too much work! Here I have to say that planning is worth all your time and energy, because after creating a roadmap you will only have to follow it. So the more work you put in, the less effort it will take to pull through.

I am talking form experience when I say that if you do not have a plan you will not reach your goal. You do not need to plan every single tiniest step, however you have to highlight some bullet points to keep yourself on track and focused on the end result. But don’t take my word for it, hear what Benjamin Franklin has said: 

“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” Benjamin Franklin

And I so do not want that for you! So to get started let me explain how planning works. To make a plan you simply have to answer 4 questions: 

1. What is to be done? 

2. When is it to be done? 

3. How it is to be done?

4. Who is going to do it?

    1. And that is it! By answering those 4 questions as detailed as possible you will be a milestone closer to your goal. This template is so unique that it works with anything that you want to achieve, wether that would be to organise your kitchen or learn a new language. 

Let’s go through an example together:

Let’s say your work desk is a mess and you need to sort it out before you drown in inefficiency and debt. Your work desk is something really important to keep organized, because it is very obvious that a mess on your desk may highly affect your work quality and productivity. Have a look and notice what it on that desk, does it all belong there? If not, than it is time to organise it away. Here we have already answered the first question: what is to be done, meaning organising your work desk. Now you need to decide when it is to be done: here you will have to evaluate what is possible. Keep in mind that a desk is relatively small place, so it should not take too long, unless you have piles of papers until the ceiling that needs to be sorted out. So wether it would be an hour or a day, set that time frame and stick to it. Now you will have to decide how it is to be done – so, for example, you can take everything away from the desk, clean it completely and put back only the things that belongs there, the rest should go where it belongs.  Here I hope you have designated places for all your items.* Another option is to take away one thing at a time by finding the right place for each of it which will eventually leave you will only necessary stuff on your work desk. 

If you don’t have designated places for all your items it’s is time to evaluate your belongings and possibly get rid of some of them to clear your space from all unnecessary.

I truly believe that planning helps us take a step in the right direction. Don’t worry if you don’t know every single details, the first and most important step is to actually take a step and trust the process  – it will get you exactly where you need to be!

Please let me know how planning has helped you previously and is you are ready to follow these steps to plan your life towards your dream. Leave a comment below (I read every single one).

If you think someone else would benefit from this article, please share it and I hope together we can make your home, mind and life better. 



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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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Delegate the right way Agnese Rudzate productivity strategist mentor coach

How to Delegate the right way

Delegation can take many different forms, and each option depends on your business and your needs.
To avoid my trial and error along the way I want to introduce you to a couple of points to take into consideration when planning to delegate and help you to figure out what is best to outsource.
Delegation requires trust plus it is even harder to build trust when you’re overloaded. Delegate the right way when implementing these tips.

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Agnese Rudzate Productivity Strategist 20 fun facts about me

20 fun facts about me

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Some of the things you might already know, some will be new and others… I’ll let you judge for yourself.
Either way, I hope this takes your mind off your to-do tasks for a moment and lets you switch off the brain.
So, I say we get to know each other a whole lot better, shall we?

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Working less blog post Agnese Rudzate productivity strategist

Are you scared of working LESS?

I believe I’m not the only one who has been conditioned to think that the harder I work the more money I will make, the harder I work, the more successful I will be, the harder I work, the more worthy I will be, the harder I work, the more appreciated I will be and so on….
How to change that make working less do you a favour.

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How tidying up can help to change energy in your house?

Agnese Rudzate organzing clarity house energy clearing

How to change the energy in your house

to feel calmer and move towards clarity

Every one of us at some point in our lives have felt stuck, helpless and confused. While there are many things you can do to change that situation, they all take quite a time to see the first results. However there are many things you can do right now to change your mood by starting to change energy in you house.

Continue reading if you want to know how to turn negative in to positive. If you will pay attention to these suggestions and use them (or some of them) wisely in your home, you will notice immediate energy shift. In other words, you will feel calmer, more relaxed, because you will make the bad energy go out the window (literally). 

Here we go:

    1. Take a look around and notice of things that you surround yourself with makes you feel good? Maybe there is something that just drives you crazy every time you look at it? It might be a vase that was a gift years ago or painting that has a wrong colour palette. Every item in you house has it’s specific energy. You can tell if that energy suits you if it makes you feel good. Depending on that certain things can either give you power, strength and motivation or block it. You should not keep anything in house that does not give you a good feeling. Even if you can’t explain what is it with that vase that you do not find attractive, if it does make you happy, it is not right for you. 
    2. How often do you open the windows to let the fresh air in? The breeze that goes trough rooms changes the energy very quickly and not only gives you more oxygen, but also clears the space even if you don’t fiscally see it. Take a big deep breath in and let the fresh air surround you.

Let the fresh air in your home to instantly change the energy

3. Do you have dust on things where you can’t clean them of easily enough? High shelfs are the best dust and stuck energy collectors. If you are someone who really hates to clean dust (I hear you, because I am one of them too), there can be several solutions to make your life easier. For example, you can use decorative boxes, choose more closed cabinets instead of the open ones and use drawers. In other words, your worst enemy is open shelfs with too many things, because it just takes ages to clean each and every peace. 

To get some ideas, you can see my board on Pinterest:

4. There is one thing that all have us have had or have in our homes and it is broken, damaged dishes. These are also one of those things that like to stick to negative energy, so if it is permanently broken  – get rid of it. You also should not keep damaged vases, plates, glasses, clocks and other stuff. Take them out of your house and see how energy switches. 

5.   Essential oils can be a great help to change the mood, clear smells, calm the mind and switch to positive energy. Diffuser here can be of great use, otherwise you can use oils to your skin. Citrus, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, teeter oils will be your friends to get in to better mood.

6. My personal favourite things of all is to move furniture around. If your space allows that, it is one of the greatest changes you can physically make to completely get rid of all negative energy, because by moving things around, you don’t let them get stuck in one place. That doesn’t allow energy to get stuck there either. 

P.S. This works wonders with kids. They love to play around and by moving their furniture, you will create a completely new playground and make them so much more excited. 

There are other things that you can use to change the energy in your home if you are in to them, like crystals. Some of them are specially used to clear out negative energy. For example, BLACK TOURMALINE is a very powerful  stone that protects against negativity of all kinds, ROSE QUARTZ replaces negative energy with Positive. Choosing to put them next to your electric appliances you will nicely balance the energy. Other things to brighten up your space you could use are bells. As the sound vibrations disperse blocked energy, the sweet chimes work to uplift the fresh energy. 

Even if you don’t think that your house has a negative energy, it is worth to use one or more of my suggestions to clear your space anyways, because sometimes we get so busy in our lives, that we do not pay attention to things we don’t see.  We assume they don’t affect us and not knowingly we let them take over. Only once we see the shift in positive direction, we realise how bad it actually was before.  

I hope that my suggestions will help you to clear your space from that negative energy that inevitably accumulates in our homes.

Have you got any more to add to this list? I’d love to hear them. Tell me your best tips in the comments below. I can’t wait to read them!



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I firmly believe that clearing your home clears your mind

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Eliminate before Deligate video blog Agnese Rudzate productivity coach for business owners

[VIDEO] Eliminate before you delegate

By delegating unimportant tasks you waste your money and someone else’s time.
Watch my video where I explain the importance of eliminating unimportant tasks for wellbeing of your business and delegating only important, well-defined tasks for to not only scale your business but save time and money while doing that.

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Agnese Rudzate blog posts 9-5 illusion productivity organizing focus

9-5 Illusion

Stepping out of society’s framework to take your own way.
Things like:
– How much should I be working?
– What is the best way to plan my day?
– With what to start?
are all valid questions, concerns and accusing patterns that block potential. You don’t need 8 hours. Society needs you to work 8 hours so they can approve of you. Dare to challenge yourself and step outside your 9-5 mindset.

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5 ways to keep life and business simple Agnese Rudzate Coaching Productivity for business owners Blog

5 ways to keep life and business simple

Increased happiness and income from simplifying things.
When distractions cut down on your productivity it’s easy to get overwhelmed and switch focus on unimportant tasks and start consuming more than creating. This is when SIMPLE moves away and COMPLICATED comes in giving you more of what you don’t need – frustration.

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Tidy your house in 30 minutes.

tidy your house in 30 minutes blog post agnese rudzate organizing

Tidy your house in 30 minutes!

Specially useful when your guests are soon to be at your doorstep

A quick swipe over sometimes can be exactly what you need, but I suggest you don’t make it your habit. As a result things on the surface will look great, but under everything will still pile up. Therefore I hope these tips will lead you to deeper cleaning once you see how much you can actually achieve in such a short amount of time.

At the end of the day, if it takes you 30 minutes to sprint through the house to make yourself and your guests more comfortable, then go for it!


1.Get clear in how big of a mess you’re really in. Go through all the rooms, but do not do this empty handed. In one hand take a bin bag for all the rubbish you see around and in other hand take a bowl or something to put dirty dishes in (they tend to appear in mystical places). Be critical – everything that should be thrown out needs to go in to the bin bag without hesitation. 

2. Every room that you enter OPEN THE WINDOW, because fresh air will keep you motivated and change the energy + you will get rid of dirty air. Now take a deep breath in and let’s continue. 

Fresh air lightens the mood and changes the energy in your house

3. Put all the little things that are just lying around your house in their places. Don’t worry if that take too much time, you can put them all in one drawer or a bag for later sorting. You can use this tactic only when in rush, because it is a dangerous habit to change later.

P.S. If you forget about those little things, remember about them a week later or do not want to look at them anymore, most likely they have served the time and can be given to people who would appreciate them more. As an alternative, they can be thrown out so they could not bother you again. 

4. After going through the rooms and collecting garbage and dirty dishes, put those things where they belong – bing bag in a bin, dirty dishes in the washing machine. In case you do not have a washing machine, put them in a sink, fill it up with water and add a dish washing soap, leave to soak. You will have time to wash them later. 

5. Go through the rooms again and close all the windows. Take a quick glance around the room and if you notice something that still needs to be put in its right place, do it. 

6. Bathroom – take all the dirty towels and put in dirty laundry bag. On all the shiny parts (tiles, sink etc.) spray the cleaning product and let it on for now. Put a cleaning liquid in a toilet and leave while completing next steps. We will come back for this!

7. Living room (the room where you will most probably welcome your guests) – fold all the blankets that are there, remote controls put in their designated places. All the newspapers and journals nicely put in one pile. 

8. Back to the kitchen. All the dishes are now nicely soaked and will be much easier and faster to wash. If a dishwasher have already done the job, congratulations, more time to do other things 🙂 Look around and if you notice other products lying around, put them in the fridge. Everything else you can put in one corner on the kitchen counter. With a humid cloth go over all the counter tops and clean also the sink. 

9. Bathroom again! Quickly wipe all the shiny parts that you did spray with a cleaning product before. Don’t forget to clean the mirror. Put the clean towels out. 

10. Door bell not ringing yet? In the short amount of time that you still have go through all the rooms again to make sure you have not missed something. 

That’s it! You did it! Imagine if you have done some much in such short amount of time, what could you do with more time and motivation?

I hope you will enjoy your time with guests and they will appreciate and respect your clean house.

If you wish to share your tips, I would be more than happy to read your experience.  Please leave a comment if this 30 minutes sprint have worked for you and share them if you think that someone might benefit. 

I wish you to create that special space that you feel comfortable in and keep it nice and tidy. 



What to know how to organize anything?

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About Agnese

I firmly believe that clearing your home clears your mind

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7 habits that wastes your time Agnese Rudzate productivity organizing coaching Freedom Business Formula

7 habits that wastes your time

Have you fell like time is running faster than usual and by the end of the day you have achieved close to nothing? Learn how to create more time to do things that bring results.
Set yourself up for success by eliminating these 7 time wasters and you may find you have more time than you realize.

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Productivity coach vs Business Agnese Rudzate freedom business formula

Productivity coach instead of Business coach

How to choose which one is better for you and your business growth?
No doubt that any coaching is designed to get better results. Coach is someone who helps you get past roadblocks and tackles weak links to fix them for greater profits. But most people think that business coaching are the only way to make you more successful. And while it’s proven to help grow businesses, it’s not always the best option. Let me explain.

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My lightbulb moment *Personal

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How come that some lightbulbs hits you like a rock while others seem to never arrive.

This as a story about my lightbulb moment, kind of… You are wondering why kind off? For so long I have wished for a miracle, some sudden falling start to come upon and enlighten me, but it just didn’t happen in they way I was expecting it to – with sudden/ out of nowhere realisation.  

Since I remember myself I have been a planner, I liked structure and I believed that organizing our private space the right way can help us achieve anything we want, weather that may be love, money, heath… you name it! Surely clutter would not help here – it simply doesn’t let new energy  come in to our lifes and change it for better. 

But lets starts from the beginning…

I am honestly the most organized person I know in. Well… maybe I don’t know that many people :). But because I consider myself organized, I have realised that  I just notice other peoples clutter and that was driving me crazy for a while and let me elaborate.

Whenever I used to go to someones home I could see straightaway the clutter they kept, the disorganisation of their stuff and the stuck energy all it held. Then I would compare it to their lives and I could see some common areas which has made me curios since then. In my mind I would get rid of that and enjoy the free space created. However in real life it is not all that simple.  I can, orfcourse, do what ever I want in my mind, but when it comes to actually talking to people about maybe, possibly getting rid of some of it, there is a huge resistance, simply because they just like their stuff!

And this made me even more curios of to what is is that keeps people so attached to their belongings. Is it simply because they like their stuff? Well…  not entirely. As it turns out there are layers and layers of emotions that make us attached to stuff we have, not even talking about physical needs of them (or at least we think we need it all).

Now I look at my things quite sceptically and try my best to keep only what makes me happy, but I know the feeling of attachment, because I have been there too. Resistance have played a huge part in my life as well. I resisted what I feared from and kept attracting more things that I did not wished for (at least not consciously). Mostly I resisted changes because I was afraid of letting go. But I can tell you one thing  – it didn’t serve me. This is why I can surely say that it is not serving you too! But don’t worry, I am here for you and will lead you every step of the way to your new path.  

I have made a conscious decision to not let fear stop me and keep me stuck anymore. We all know way too well that “What you resist persists”, and this is something we neither wan’t or need. 

Only you have the skill set, talent and power to create what you most want.

My journey started when I looked back at my life – my strengths, my weaknesses, what have I achieved, what is important to me. And… I realised something that seemed quite not that important at first, but what turned out bigger than I expected: I lived abroad and visited my family twice per year. When ever I used to go home or on vacation, for this matter, I would plan my trips very detailed – book necessary appointments, fit in all I wanted to do in that amount of time that I had. And you know what? I achieved all that I had planned out… I was wondering if this would be something to apply in my daily life to achieve greater things. So I did just that- organized my life towards success. 

And I am here to help you do the same! My biggest advice to you is to notice when the lightbulb moment hits you and do not ignore it for your life. DO NOT BE AFRAID and wonder too much what others will think. I know it is easier said than done, but once you actually start practicing that, it will change your life FOREVER! And please don’t be upset if your lightbulb moment hasn’t arrived. Rest assured that it is on it’s way and who knows, it might slide in as calmly as mine. 

Comment below if you wish to share your “lightbulb moments” to inspire others. I read every single comment. 

Best of success, 


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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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