Productivity coach instead of Business coach

Productivity coach vs Business Agnese Rudzate freedom business formula

Productivity coach instead of Business coach

How to choose which one is better for you and your business growth?

There are as many opinions as there are people in the world, but let me give you my insight, not only from personal experience, but from many women around me that have had an amazing results from being coached.

  • Increasing profit is what comes to your mind if you are ever considering to hire a coach. Because, you want your investment to double if not triple or skyrocket to places you though impossible.

When you are at the point in your career that feels like things are working fine, but could be working much better –  it’s time to hire a coach that will guide you into bigger success, because you are unsure of how to bring it to that next level.

No doubt that any coaching is designed to get better results. Coach is someone who helps you get past roadblocks and tackles weak links to fix them for greater profits. But most people think that business coaching is the only way to make you more successful. And while it’s proven to help grow businesses, it’s not always the best option. Let me explain.

I have put together some of the most typical business coaching traits:

    • Business coach helps your business, not you. As coach, service provider, mentor, your business is YOU and YOU are your business, so there is no separation really. Through your teachings you are giving part of yourself, right? It’s not like you have made a brand new pair of sunglasses and now are trying to sell. You are selling your experience, your knowledge, your skill set, your talent, your unique approach. As entrepreneur, it’s more important that you’re not feeling personally overwhelmed, unmotivated or unproductive, because all that highly affects your business, which is something a business coach might not be ablate to change.

"You are your business. If you lack fundamentals, your business lacks you."- Agnese Rudzate

    • Business coaching will not make your life better, it will make your business grow faster. This means, you will be working more hours, because now you will have to keep up with everything. It can be quite dangerous as it can lead to more anxiety, stress and eventually a burnout. Remember “You are your business”. 
    • Business coach doesn’t create systems that will give you long lasting results. Getting solid systems into place in your business and life is what creates the foundation for permanent success.

There are a lot of areas that Business coaching is very good for and a lot of areas that it does not address, like satisfaction with your job, more time freedom, better flexibility in your work, productive action, happiness in work and life, better connection with the work you do, …

If this is something you want to have more of as well as the increase in profit, productivity coaching might be the better option. 

Let me give you examples to know if you really need productivity coaching instead of business coaching:

1. You have too much on your plate – it’s hard to get everything done.

Wouldn’t you agree that money can be earned, but time – it can never come back, be earned or renewed. It’s so much more important to know how to spend your time than it is your money because you can never get it back once it’s gone. Women like Marie Forleo, Jennifer Lopez and Oprah all have the same 24h in a day, just like you and me. So how come they’ve got this outrageous amount of success? The secret is in the art of productivity. All they have done is optimized themselves to manage their time better so they can get more done in shorter amount of time.

2. You want to do more, but don’t have enough time – it’s hard to focus.

Distractions are the biggest weak link in your productive work. The beep on your phone can take you from “in the zone” to complete “lack of inspiration” in a fraction of a second. Interruptions are messing up your productive work because it takes a huge amount of time to get back on your tasks after this short “I will just check my phone, in case it’s urgent” action.  The good news? It’s not your fault. It’s about the systems you do (or don’t) have in place and how they free up your time.

3. You want to flow with ease in your life and business at the same time.

Here I want to highly suggest to not take examples of successful business owners who have aged by days – they are working over 60h per week, stressed, sleepless and have not time for anything else in their lives. That’s not a success! Success is not when your business is booming, success is when you’re thriving in all areas of your life. Don’t sacrifice your personal life to only scale in your business. Life is about balance, so lets create one for you!

"You need to be sustainable for your business to be sustainable EVERY.SINGLE.DAY" - Agnese Rudzate

If you’re serious about pushing yourself, your life and your business towards greater success, think about whether productivity coaching would serve to benefit you more than business coaching.

What would you choose for your and your business growth? Maybe you have already worked with one or both of them – what where your biggest takeaways? 

Here’s to growing your business in the right way that’s best suited for you!



Want to increase your productivity to have time freedom while running a thriving business?

Freedom Business Formula coaching Agnese Rudzate online course

Want to skyrocket your productivity with private coaching to become a top performer?

One one one empowerment coaching session Agnese Rudzate organizing

Want to boost your productivity by restoring mind to balance, harmony and clarity?

Path to Clarity Meditations Agnese Rudzate Organizing

What to know how to organize anything?

strategy on how to organize anything agnese rudzate
agnese rudzate super power organizing

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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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[INTERVIEW] Fundamentals of successful coaching business with Vicki Chisholm

Vicki Chisholm productivity Agnese rudzate

[INTERVIEW] Transformational Life and Biz Coach Vicki Chisholm

Fundamentals of successful coaching business that impacts thousands

There are many powerful women out there who have shown great strength and ability to lead by example and follow their path no matter the obstacles. Many times we create these road block for ourselves and wonder why are we stuck. It is not always easy to notice that and push past it. BUT once you do – sky is the limit.

Meet Vicki, a mum of 3, a former Virtual Assistant who rides motorbike for fun. But her main passion is supporting women in business – ”When I closed my VA Business I knew it was time for change. I was suffering, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Anxiety, Burn Out, Depression, PTSD from domestic abuse and so much… My journey  to where I am now began. I transformed my life and career and now get the pleasure of showing women how they can do that too!” EXCITING STUFF, isn’t it?

Fundamentals of successful coaching business that impacts thousands with Vicki Chisholm.

Vicki is a Transformational Life and Biz Coach who empowers women from the inside out to gain clarity and follow their hearts through coaching and holistic therapies. 

Key ingredients to success.

As a successful coach Vicki is clear on her key ingredients for having a productive work where the attention goes only in business growth direction. That is not possible with clarity around what it is that you truly want, because only then you are able to take steps to move. “If you don’t have clarity the fear and stuckness will hold you back and cause procrastination – We all know that feeling!” – Vicki.

But that’s not all. “No distraction policy” with a time limit is a non negotiable to reach goals for Vicki. And I could not agree more! Distractions take out attention away not letting us focus on the tasks that can potentially bring in thousands. Which leads to third ingredient on Vicki’s success path – Prioritise your tasks, what are your MAIN 3 tasks for the whole day – these tasks will move you forward – Example: Cleaning the house or putting on an extra load of washing is not going to move your business forward. Do it later, not in your business time. Doing an email campaign, writing a blog or calling that potential client etc… are the business growth tasks you really want to prioritise.”

The art of prioritizing

Vicki loves a productive day, but it doesn’t just happen by itself. Prioritizing comes in handy to really nail that day on your productivity scale. It’s one of those days when all the BIG tasks I’ve set myself are complete. I can then close down the day and relax. A productive day for me consists of: Marketing, Clients, regular breaks and Business Building tasks.” – Vicki. To make that a reality for yourself, take Vicki’s example and regularly review where you’re at and what needs to be done next: “For example: If my blog didn’t get done yesterday that is a priority. If a client has been quiet, I know I need to check in with them. I set myself checklist each month / week and plan my week ahead every Sunday. So the main priority tasks are existing clients, nurturing new leads and  marketing, then I look at business development. If my automation has a hiccup this would then become a priority and so forth.”

"Productive day - It’s one of those days when all the BIG tasks I’ve set myself are complete." - Vicki Chisholm

Never the less is it important to know your productivity flow and engage in important tasks when you are at your optimal attentive level. For moms in business it’s usually the quite moment of the day when everyone is still sleeping or when everyone is already in bed. I like to be creative in the evenings, I find it really therapeutic,  and I like to tackle ‘MUST DO’ tasks first thing in the morning.” – Vicki.

And let me just mention here that, delegating some of your tasks is a part or prioritising process and highly increases your time freedom and space to work on your genius. Choose tasks that you particularly don’t enjoy, are not good at, takes too much of your precious time and you will be on your way to a more productive day.

Tackling distractions

Distractions are the biggest time killer and worst focus enemy. To have a really productive day, we must tackle them with proven methods. While my approach might not work for everyone, it is important to experiment and notice what makes you most focused. Vicki has noticed a pattern in her life: “If I don’t prioritize self care then everything distracts as my flow becomes stagnant and I lose motivation.” It is a great reminder to all of us that we must never forget about ourselves. Because if our “cup is empty”, we are not able to share which is taking away from others to benefit.

As important as knowing your biggest distraction is understanding your motivation to make sure you are aligned with your goals and are taking action steps towards them. It might not always be clear, sometimes we procrastinate and delay by sabotaging our success. When this happens, the best is to look for someone to guide you through it: “Before I started working with a coach I wasn’t taking as much action as I am now. My coach has helped me set deadlines and getting me out of my comfort zone with a quick turn around. I love a challenge – and having someone to hold me accountable is ultimately the driving force behind me. When I didn’t have support, I just took my time, procrastinated and there was not as much prioritization.”

Energy boost

We all lack inspiration at times, our energy levels decrease and mood lowers. If you have not find your way to boost it all back up, take Vicki’s example: “Dancing. I find my power songs and hit the playlist and I turn up the volume and I DANCE! I also then reach out to my clients, and ask them what they are struggling with and if I can help them. This then gives me the nudge I need and a reminder as to why I do what I do. – To help and serve the women of the world. If it’s a little more than lacking inspiration then I access my own resources and do the inner work that is required to help me find my flow again.”

It has been my pleasure to learn Vicki’s success insights and share them with you as part of my #wisewomen blog series. 

If you want to know Vicki better, feel free to visit her homepage and join her Facebook page where she will help you with Productivity, Time Management, Accountability, Business Strategy/Systems and Mindset.

I hope you have enjoyed Vicki’s insight in to her productive work life and can take away something that resonated with you. Let me know what that is in the comments!

The one productivity tip that Vicki wanted to share for business growth is Clarity and goal setting – “When I have clarity in my business I am more focused, and my plans run a lot more smoother. I’m also then super charged to take action.”

Here’s to taking action in a productive goal oriented way that scales your business and serves thousands!



Want to increase your productivity to have time freedom while running a thriving business?

Freedom Business Formula coaching Agnese Rudzate online course

Want to skyrocket your productivity with private coaching to become a top performer?

One one one empowerment coaching session Agnese Rudzate organizing

Want to boost your productivity by restoring mind to balance, harmony and clarity?

Path to Clarity Meditations Agnese Rudzate Organizing

What to know how to organize anything?

strategy on how to organize anything agnese rudzate
agnese rudzate super power organizing

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 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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Tackle your distractions to gain back your focus

Agnese Rudzate business productivity blog post tackle your distraction to gain back your focus

Tackle your distractions to gain back your focus

While it is quite handy to use different platforms to connect with people form all over, this is also how we get distracted way too often.

We live in a century of connection. It is harder than ever to keep focus on assignment and stay committed to the task without letting outside world distract us. Not even mentioning that out inner world takes a great deal in all this and keeps us stuck.

There has been quite a few researches done showing that people get distracted as often as every 11 minutes, but the worst part is that it would take about 25 minutes to actually settle down again to your task. And of course the complicated the project, the longer it takes for your brain to regain focus.  You can learn more about this research here. 

But if you’re reading this, you value your time and want to take control of your focus. So let's not waist anyones time and tackle distractions to stay focused and get things done.

1. Eliminate Your Options.

Try to surround yourself with as little possible distraction as possible. Before you start working on your next task, identify those distraction to eliminate them. For example, if you have your phone or bag of peanuts on your working desk, it is very likely you will get yourself distracted by one of them. To avoid that, put your phone somewhere else and hide peanuts so they are not in hands reach.

Outside distraction hugely impact out work, but we tend to distract ourselves more than we should. Keep focusing on your tasks and eliminate your options for distractions – its all in your hands.

“Sick of getting distracted? Eliminate your options.” - Agnese Rudzate

2. Set Boundaries for Yourself.

If laptop is your main working gadget, you obviously can’t eliminate it from your distractions list. However to keep yourself in focus, set boundaries to spend certain amount of time on where you shouldn’t be spending time at all.

If you are taking a break from your work for 10 minutes and start to watch Youtube videos about funny cats, it can drag much longer than just 10 minutes (trust me, I know!). So instead of continuously procrastinating, set boundaries. For example, watch only 2 videos or if you allowing yourself to do it for 5 minutes, make sure to set a timer on it, to keep yourself accountable and productive.

3. Control your Environment.

We might not be able to control outer distractions, like a urgent phone call or sirens outside out window, but what we can do is to make out environment as distraction free as possible. We get triggered by  our 5 senses constantly.

        • Sound – chit chat, pets, white noise, music
        • Touch – your chair, your clothes, table        
        • Sight – screen, wallpaper, environment, view
        • Smell – coffee, flowers, perfume, nature
        • Taste – aftertaste, what you’re eating/chewing

Your work environment should be triggered by as less of those triggers as possible, so choose wisely. To do that, you must identify what distracts you most in terms of the five senses. For some, coffee shops are their places to focus because they are comfortable with the white noise and the smell of coffee keeps them energized; but for others,  people moving around can be quite distracting. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different types of places to find the most suited environment to help you get things done!

Win back your focus

Be sure to take the advices in to serious account if your unproductive days are starting to win over your productive ones. You need to do an inventory to figure out where your distractions originate, and put a stop to them. No matter what your distractions are, you are in control of your time, what you do with it and where you spend it. Be sure to keep that control in your hands and never give it away to anyone else.

Now you have a solid system to identify and tackle distractions that you weren’t aware of.

Let me know how are you managing to set boundaries for yourself, find the right environment or eliminate potential distractors.

Is there any other tactic that you have found useful to increase focus and productivity?

let me know in the comments section your way of tackling those nasty productivity destroyers. 

Have a productive day!



Want to increase your productivity to have time freedom while running a thriving business?

Freedom Business Formula coaching Agnese Rudzate online course

Want to skyrocket your productivity with private coaching to become a top performer?

One one one empowerment coaching session Agnese Rudzate organizing

Want to boost your productivity by restoring mind to balance, harmony and clarity?

Path to Clarity Meditations Agnese Rudzate Organizing

What to know how to organize anything?

strategy on how to organize anything agnese rudzate
agnese rudzate super power organizing

About Agnese

 “LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success

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