Focused work
In distracted world focused work becomes rare, therefore even more appreciated and valued. It is not easy, but there are good news for you. Keep reading to find out how you can take your focus to the next level for super-performance.
As a mom myself, I can relate to women feeling like they do not have enough hours in a day, because there are just too many things to handle! But if doesn’t have to bee that way if you don’t want it. Yes, juggling your kids, business and household can be challenging to say the least, however there is a solution to every overwhelming situation + you don’t have to put yourself, your wants and needs on the back seat anymore! Practicing Productive Action can bring massive peace in to your life, especially if you are work-from-home mom.
Meet Rachael Jencks – Productivity Coach for Women Coaches. She went to school for a long time to become and Attorney and CPA to realize that she did not want to be tied to a desk because she wanted to have the flexibility to work while she chased after her kids. She now helps other women increase productivity and profit in their dream businesses. She practices Productive Action which allows her and her clients to work less and get more done.
“Productive workday is one in which every hour has a purpose.” - Rachael Jencks
Isn’t it why we all started our online entrepreneurship – to have time freedom, financial independence and all the family time in the world? However couple years in, that dream of yours might have faded and gotten blurrier. If that is the case, lets bring it back right now and remember all your WHY’S.
Not that you are back on track with your vision, lets make it a reality with Rachael’s advices, tips and tricks to not only scale you business, but also profit personally.
“Break down each task into tiny pieces, create a time estimate, and then schedule the pieces into your day. Having a plan before you start work is essential.” – Rachael
I have always loved planning, and because of that I have been put down and minimized. Never the less, I started to think that because of organizing and planning I was boring, couldn’t “go with the flow”, allow what ever happens happen, and so on…. But because of my inner voice that did not let me give up on that and follow the crowd, I have managed to not only plan my way to success, but help so many women do the same! Planning doesn’t get in away of your creativeness, it serves to bring out your genius when is the right time. Honestly, planning is freeing and stops overwhelm come in to your life – and that is a true gold.
If you need more convincing hear Racheal out: “Productive workday is one in which every hour has a purpose. The purpose may be free time, kid time, or work time, but you have an intention with each hour. Overwhelm develops when we feel like we should be doing something else or when we spend too much time thinking about when we are going to do certain tasks. This is true for creating a sales funnel or laundry! Have a schedule is truly freeing.”
But how to know what to do first, what projects need more attention than others, how to prioritise them? Follow Rachaels example:
2. Look at the available time slots in you schedule and start scheduling.
“If it is a project that does not need my full focus, I might schedule it while my kids are working on school work next to me, but if it needs focus time I make sure that I schedule it at a time when they are either asleep, not at home, or doing something where they do not need me. I always make sure to schedule in time to refresh myself and to focus on my kids. I limit each day to no more than 3 projects.” – Rachael.
It is so important to prioritize your tasks not only considering your family schedule, but also your productivity flow. That way you can save plenty of time, not drag your tasks for far too long, have way less overwhelm and way more free time.
Rachael says she is most productive first thing in the morning and tries to do the work that requires focus at that time. “I am worthless after 8 PM!” – Rachael.
Do you know when you are most productive? Are you using it to your advantage? Knowing this will save you hours and help finish big projects faster and with much better quality.
“I stay focused by scheduling “focus time”. During this time, I turn off notifications and avoid looking at email and messages. I have projects that require my concentration scheduled at this time and I know this is the only way they will get done.” – Rachael.
Those who have been following me for some time might know that I do not have any notifications that beep or show up on my screen, simply because they are DISTRACTING! If you really need and want to do your best work without interruptions during certain time, eliminate your options to get distracted. Don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you shouldn’t allow yourself any social media time, just make sure you don’t do it to distract yourself or procrastinate.
To make it easier for you, make sure to plan your breaks as well. It is important to refresh, stretch, clear your mind so you can get back to work with full force. Rachael also schedules brakes, which length depends on what she is doing for the day – it might be the time when she brings kids to practice or even 15 minutes to scroll through Facebook.
Delegating some of your tasks is a great way to reduce working on things that you don’t necessary like or aren’t good at, creating more time to work on what no-one else can do for you – your genius. Rachael: “I have a VA that helps me with my podcast after I record it. There are just parts of business that I do not enjoy so I like to hand those over to someone else. I will not do a very good job if it is not fun and it gives me more time for the tasks that only I can do like coaching.”
“To boost energy when I am lacking motivation, I exercise, listen to music, and chat with my kids. I also do a ton of self-coaching to get to the bottom if why I am lacking in motivation. Once I find out why, I can get back at it.” – Rachael.
“Take Productive Action instead of Massive Action. Massive Action is driving 100 miles an hour using the wrong map. Productive Action is planning your trip before you take the journey!” - Rachael Jencks
It has been my pleasure to interview this amazing women to open my #wisewomen blog series.
My biggest take away from this experience is to to be reminded about taking productive action instead of massive one. It is SO important if we truly want to reach our goals faster but without overwhelm.
I hope you will take away her experience to get more productive in your life and business, because productivity=profits.
If you want to know Rachael better, feel free to visit her homepage and join her Facebook group where she will help you with Productivity, Time Management, Accountability, Business Strategy/Systems and Mindset.
Now I would love to hear from you! What tips from Rachaels experiance you can take away and implement to boost your productivity?
What time if the day are you most productive?
Don’t hesitate to add your own suggestions and experience on how you are managing to boost your productivity in life and business?
Have a productive week!
“LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success
In distracted world focused work becomes rare, therefore even more appreciated and valued. It is not easy, but there are good news for you. Keep reading to find out how you can take your focus to the next level for super-performance.
Here is my method of identifying distraction triggers and shifting your attention back to focused action and getting back in control for the most productive work.
It’s truly life-changing once we start to honor our time and stop wasting it on activities that serve us very little. One of those activities are meetings. If you’re a coach who is on their way to level up, communication with your team is your daily necessity. However, there is a big difference between time well spend and time well wasted.
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© 2019 Agnese Rudzate