How decluttering before Christmas can save you money and make your gifts original?

Agnese Rudzate christmas declutter original gift winter

How decluttering before Christmas can save you money

and make your gifts original?

Ah..this time of the year, when we go a little mad looking for presents, stressing to find the right one for everyone and not to mention staying on the budget. Although Christmas is such a magical time, it comes with a baggage of unnecessary craziness in our minds, homes and lives. 

I have a solution for you!

Take my word for it when I say that decluttering your home can highly benefit your post-Christmas common sense. 

For this year’s Christmas gifts you will use what you already have. So let’s get started so you could create original, personalised and unforgettable gifts for your loved ones, while clearing your space and mind to prepare for the celebration of your life. 

Handmade gifts from heart is what to go for this Christmas.

If you look closely around your house, You will be surprised at how many items you have lying around that you’ve never used.  Items that, by using them, will create more space in your home and save you money. 

If you are a DIY person, you most definitely have many artsy and craftsy things around the house and it will not be a problem to create something out of nothing. However, if you only like to make things from time to time, you may need some ideas.

Here are a few simple examples to get you started:


1.Empty cardboard boxes (+ fancy gift paper). They are great for storing things, however if you have many different sizes, they can be finally put to great use. If you think that they are too labeled and not appropriate to put gifts inside, label them yourself with Recycling logo and wrap a gift paper around. To make even more nature friendly, you can use newspapers as a gift wrapping paper, they look amazing! 

To get some ideas, you can see my board on Pinterest:

2.Empty glass jars. I’m sure they are pilling up in your storage space. So put them to good use and make some yummy snacks for your friends and family for Christmas. Internet is full of great ideas, what ever you think your friends will like better – honey nuts, jam, fermented veggies… It could be literally anything! To make these gifts more personal add as little note with recipe and good wishes or even your own poem. 

3.Paper. This great invention can be used in so many ways that I cant even begging to count them. Coloured paper can be used to create personalised gift cards and who cares if they don’t look as fancy as the one you can buy in shop, they are from heart and that is what matters most. We have already found a good use to newspaper in first point. Gift wrapping papers from birthdays and previous years can still be put in a good use – make christmas decorations from them (snowflakes, snowballs under the tree, re-wrap gifts or anything else that come in your mind. Again, get inspired in the endless world wide web. 


>> Remember that thoughts that you have put into creating these gifts is what matters and you friends will appreciate your effort, no doubt!

If you pay attention, you will find so many things around your house that you are able to recycle and put in a good use so they don’t take your precious space and can be recycled. 

I hope you are a little bit more inspired to declutter for recycling purposes and show the example of good will to everyone around you. 

Please let me know how are you planning to celebrate this special time and share you ideas to inspire others. 

Talk to you soon!



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Things you can get rid of right now

tidy home organizing clearing agnese rudzate


Tidy 4 main areas in your house and enjoy the freedom

I am a true believer that clutter takes the best out of us and blocks new energy to come in to our lives. This is why it has been so important in my life to de-clutter from time to time to create that precious space for new opportunities. It is great if you do a spring cleaning, however I encourage you to take that action monthly and see how your world changes. I am suggesting this because the more we do it, the more we get rid off, which means that there will be less distractions in our already busy lives.  

First time de-cluttering might seem like you are throwing away a lot of things, most probably things that you obviously don’t need anymore, for example junk mail, expired medicine, stained clothes. However once you get yourself in to habit of de-cluttering your stuff frequently, you will be able to see more clearly what you really need therefore getting rid of more and more each time. Trust me,  before you know it, you will be left with nothing but everything that you truly need so you can focus your mind on what is important to you.

Clutter in nothing but an energy block. It is time to clear your home and mind.

I would like to start with Living room as it is a common area for clutter to shop up as everyone in the family are using this room, including your guests. Here are a list of things to get rid of right now:

      • Junk mail – unsubscribe from receiving them at all if all you do is look at them and put aside after receiving.
      • Old magazines – you have read them, give them to someone who haven’t.
      • Books you’ve outgrown – it is time to give them second life – donate.
      • Stained or worn throw pillow covers and trows – they just do not look pretty anymore.
      • Broken pens and markers – what is the use of that?
      • Filled notepads and notebooks – they are filled.

Let’s continue with your Kitchen since this is the place, I believe, most hard to organize, because there  are just so many things, places to hide things and things in to things. But let’s start with couple of obvious items that have served their time in your kitchen:

      • Expired coupons – there is no need for those anymore, right?
      • Plastic lids or containers that don’t have a “friend” – it is hard to use them without their best half. 
      • Unused cookbooks – give them to your friends or someone you know would appreciate them.
      • Expired foods – obviously, right? You do not want to get food poisoning.
      • Chipped or damaged dishes – you will not have space for new things if you keep piling up the old ones.
      • Unused flower vases – yes, I know, we keep them to use some day, but be real here – you only need couple.

Moving on, let’s go to you Bathroom and see what can be done there to make it less cluttered and more spacious. This is such an important place to keep tidy as it is where you are getting rid of all the dirt and in my opinion you can’t clean yourself well enough in a cluttered space (it just makes no sense):

      • Expired medicine – no use of that anymore anyways.
      • Old makeup – using it might cause some pretty ugly consequences.
      • Old nail polish – unless you know some tricks to make it new again, get rid of it.
      • Old or stained towels – find another use for them, otherwise they don’t belong in your bathroom.
      • Hair accessories – they used to be in fashion, not anymore.

Last place I would like to point out in today’s blog is the place where you spend most of your time, the most precious time, because nothing is more important than a good night sleep. Yes, I am talking about your Bedroom:

      • Clothes that don’t fit – if they are in good condition, give them to someone in need.
      • Stained, worn, unused bed linen – your sleep will be much deeper knowing you are sleeping on good sheets.
      • Stained or worn clothes – you will not wear them anyways.
      • Mismatched and worn socks – believe me, you will feel much better once they are out of your closet. 
      • Broken jewellery – let’s be honest, you will never fix them.

Now when you have an actual list where to start from, I suggest you do not waste any time and get to work ASAP, because only you can create that space that best suits your needs. 

I hope that this post have helped you to realise how many thing you have been keeping for no reason as they do no have real use in your life. 

If you have found this article useful, please share your thought below to inspire others to clear their home as well. 

Best of success, 


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