Do you need an office
to be productive?
People perform best when they have flexibility but not total freedom and lack of structure. Work from home with designated working place is perfect to not only increase productivity, but also have ability to create your schedule according to yours and your families needs.
Although as service based business owners we have a luxury of working from pretty much anywhere in the world, to be really productive, the space where you do your most valuable work is important.
“Self isolation has proven that we need to be in an office type of space for at least couple of days a week to truly embrace work-life balance with ability to set boundaries for productive work.” - Agnese Rudzate
Honestly, as a coach I am not surprised about changes that self isolation has put us in. There is a lot to adapt to, a lot to implement and change. But there is always a way to improve and with little tweaks we will come out of it smarter, stronger and able to adapt to pretty much anything 🙂
I want you to thrive during this time, so I have made couple of suggestions how to improve your office space based on your feelings so you can work efficiently in home environment:
- You need to feel physically comfortable. The place where you work can look amazing, inspiring and motivating, but if the chair you are sitting on is not living up to your comfort level, it is no good. It might look amazing in the interior, but it also needs to feel amazing. The same goes for lighting, desk hight, file storage or anything that you may have. For example if you need to print a few papers, but the printer is in another room, every time you are printing something, you have to waste your time commuting. Although exercising is good and needed, make sure it does not clash with your productivity.
- You need to feel emotionally ready. Once you come in to your work space, it should send your brain a signal that party is over and you need to focus on tasks that grow your business. How to make that happen? Get rid of distractions. Your family photo can be a great inspiration or huge distraction, so choose wisely. Go to your working space and evaluate what is serving you and what is not.
- You need to feel however you want to feel to get work done. Each of us might go after different feelings. If you are writing a blog about your last nights dream, a calm and relaxing music might help you get in the right mood. If you are trying to figure out your monthly expenses and deal with bills, maybe background music is not the best choice. My point here is to create the environment that HELPS you get the work done instead of taking your attention away.
“Find what makes you get in the zone and flow with energy so you can work effortlessly without procrastination and overwhelm.” - Agnese Rudzate
We all have different needs and wants when it comes to our work space. While a lounge might work for some and at different times, others will need specifically designated place with closed doors and everything in hands reach. What ever flows your boat to a productive work will serve you greatly.
Use what resonates with you to grow your business through productive work.
Let me know in the comments what makes you work productively. I am curious to hear different approaches, needs and wants to what it is that lets you create your best work yet.I hope that some of these tips could increase your productivity and inspire to grow your business even when everyones is at home 🙂
Feel free to add any tips in the comments to support each other and inspire to achieve better results…
Here’s to your productivity when working from home.
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“LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for outrageous success
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