It’s time to get more open and reveille some facts about myself just for fun
There are things that I share openly and others that I hide deliberately 🙂
But I feel like it’s time to get more open and reveille some facts about myself just for fun and because I wanted to challenge myself to see if I can even come up with 5 facts worth sharing.
Some of the things you might already know, some will be new and others… I’ll let you judge for yourself. Either way, I hope this takes your mind off your to-do tasks for a moment and lets you switch off the brain.
So, I say we get to know each other a whole lot better, shall we?
In the spirit of sharing, here are 20 fun facts about me:
I don’t drink coffee. The taste and the aftertaste – eww. I’ve tried to acquire a taste for it, but it’s just not going to happen. Instead I drink tea. Lots of it. Mostly herbal tea that me or my family have been collecting during summer time. It’s the whole thing to know what tea to drink when as each of plants has their own benefits.
My top VIA Character Strengths are: 1) prudence; 2) honesty; 3) leadership; 4) judgment; and 5) teamwork.
I believe in Karma. We create our own reality and what we give, we receive.
I’m an aspiring vegan and I’m doing it to better my health. I’m constantly experimenting to see what is the right fit fo me so I can feel my best. It’s not that I’m against eating meat, but rather industrial farming and the chemicals/antibiotics in it that I don’t like.
Public speaking = biggest fear. Although I’m pushing myself to get out of my comfort zone, the thought of public speaking still turns my stomach into knots.
I’m constantly humming and singing – can’t help it! Apparently is quite healthy as it releases endorphins that makes people happy.
I have a certificate in nail care and artificial nail modelling.
I have the cutest dog. His name is Scooby Do, he weights 3 kg and is a Lion in heart – true protector of the house.

I’m a Virgo and ISFJ. And boy do these describe me to a T! That means I’m loyal, hard working, have a strong attention to detail (a nice way of saying I’m a perfectionist), like to help others, grounded, reliable, introverted, empathetic, conscientious and enthusiastic.
In primary school I use to be a huge fan of Britney Spears. I had a whole notebook with cutouts from journals with her pictures and interviews. I’m still a fan by the way, just without the notebook 🙂
I’m kind of (to not sound too cray-cray) in to conspiracy theories, unexplained stuff and mysteries oft he world. It’s nice to get my head in to totally different direction from time to time. Kind of like a reset button.
I’ve been living in the ski resort for over 8 year and never properly learned to ski or snowboard. Although I enjoy snowboarding more, I guess none of them are really “my thing”.
In primary school I sang in a choir, played piano, participated in a musical ensemble and sports activities. All that after my regular school day. Still to this day I’m wondering how much I could do in one day. Poor me! How did I manage all that and still have fairly good grades?
I’m too much into sweets (maybe that explained the previous point). It’s something I’m I have been trying to cut down for over 2 years, without success. I know artificial sugar is bad, but those buns, muffins…
I have 2 younger brothers. We have quite an age difference so when I was a teenager I had to babysit them – oh boy, I didn’t like it. But i’m glad I did- that though me a lot about responsibility and patience. Although I can be quite impatient, imagine how I would be without the early training? My mom new what she was doing.
Since I was little, I wanted to be a teacher. I even stole chalks from the class to go home and pretend that I’m teaching what ever subject I had to do a homework on. I use my wardrobe door as a blackboard.
Biking with my son is probably one of my favourite sportive activities. He loves it too, so it makes it much more enjoyable.
One thing I cannot live without in my kitchen is fruits and berries. Ok, thats 2 things, or maybe more. Anyways, I always need to have something juicy and fresh.
I love gardening (in moderation). Those beetroot fields are not for me, but flower beds I can handle with confidence. Plants inside home makes me happy.
Can’t believe I got to 20. I would love to hear what resonated with you most, what was surprising and what made total sense?
Let me know in the comments or write me a quick email to tell me about yourself.
Till next time!
To more fun and less seriousness 🙂
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“LESS” & “SIMPLE” approach to life, business and mind for next level success
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