Be selfish, make this Valentine’s day about you!
This post is about LOVE - love to the most important person in your life: Yourself!
Although historically Valentine’s day is couples love fest, I believe that we have to love ourselves first to then share it with others. So this year on 14.02. make it about you, treat yourself and dive in to self-care, self-awareness, self- “anything you want it to be” to bring your full potential to the world.
We can only serve our true purpose when bringing our true self to the floor. Yes, I know – easier said than done! When you are sitting by the work desk in your 9 to 5 job feeling miserable, you are most definitely not offer the work your truth and full potential to make it the world you want to see. That being said, don’t leave your job without having plan B. I have done it and had to learn the hard way that it is not a good feeling to constantly rely on someone for financial support while dreaming of my own business and not having the funds to move forward with it.
But I want you to start little by little, by building your self-esteem and start to believe that you CAN! Because you most definitely are capable of it.
Let’s start self-awareness journey with this Valentine’s day and take purposeful action to shift in the right direction.
Here are just couple of totally free, but priceless practices to be kind, loving and gentle to yourself starting this Valentine’s day and continuing for the rest of your life.
1. Embrace yourself and let yourself be loved.
Your are a goddess and deserving of all the love that comes your way – so embrace it! Accept love and kindness when it’s offered. You’re worth it! It might be hard to open up and invite kindness (I am talking form experience), however once you surrender, huge weight lifts from your shoulders and you literally change you vibration, which invites more love in to your life. And this is definitely something we need – to build our lives on solid love-filled foundation. So when someone gives you a compliment, simply say, “Thank you.” Don’t resort to false modesty, or talk yourself out of it. When someone offers you help, take it, because you deserve to make your life easier.
2. Let yourself feel all the emotions.
Weather it’s pain, sadness, joy or happiness, let yourself feel all of the emotions to the fullest. Now, when our lives are filled by perfect Instagram posts with tropical beaches and smiley faces, it is harder than ever to allow yourself to just be in the moment and feel what ever needs to be felt. If you are happy, don’t hide it just to make someone else dissatisfied or jealous of your joy. If you feel sad, let yourself cry, feel it and let it go. Yes, sometimes, us women, need to be strong and hold the forth, but know when that time is over and you can go back to your roots to be fragile, vulnerable and feminine.
“Embrace the goddess you are! It is completely fine to seek comfort, support and love.” - Agnese Rudzate
3. Surround yourself with right people.
I understand that we can’t choose our family, but we can for sure choose our friends. It might sound harsh, but you might need to clear out your “friends” list. Take your time to go all in into each and every relationship that you call “Friendship”. Relationships have a powerful effect on our well-being. You want to surrender yourself with people who lift you up, support you, love you, in which presence you don’t have to pretend (quite down your joy, for example) and that are there when you need them.
“Support makes all the difference!” - Agnese Rudzate
You want to make sure to have a strong support system that you can rely and count on. Seek out the people who build you up, and minimize contact with those who bring you down.
4. Deal with your Inner Critic.
As harsh as it is, we can be our worst critics. This for sure leaves devastating effect on our well-being. One thing is when someone else criticizes you, because that can be very easy to explain: The way people treat you is a reflection of them as human beings, it has nothing to do with you. If you keep that in mind, the outer critic can not hurt you.
However when you treat yourself badly by self-doubt, discouragement, comparison, it ruins your high vibration, brings your energy level down and you end up far from being alined with our whole self. Be mindful of the things you say to yourself when no one else is listening. Once that inner Critic shows up, notice it and let it go. Creating this awareness is the first step to making self love your default state. Meditation is one of the practices that can help you quite your inner critic and restore your well-being.
Remember the airplane cabin crew reminding to put your oxygen mask first in case of pressure loss? It’s so you can help others. Love is our oxygen and without it we can’t spread it and create magic in the world.
It is my wish to you to embrace yourself and let love in for this Valentine’s day and further, because you are deserving and worthy.
Let me know what self-care rituals you are planning for yourself today, this month, this year to feed your soul with goodness and return the gorges in you.
P.S. Rest assured, there is more than enough love in the world to go around. Open up your heart, and let it in.
Don’t be afraid to click that “share” button if you know someone who might benefit from this article, I would be extremely happy to spread more love around.

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© 2019 Agnese Rudzate