How tidying up can help to change energy in your house?

Agnese Rudzate organzing clarity house energy clearing

How to change the energy in your house

to feel calmer and move towards clarity

Every one of us at some point in our lives have felt stuck, helpless and confused. While there are many things you can do to change that situation, they all take quite a time to see the first results. However there are many things you can do right now to change your mood by starting to change energy in you house.

Continue reading if you want to know how to turn negative in to positive. If you will pay attention to these suggestions and use them (or some of them) wisely in your home, you will notice immediate energy shift. In other words, you will feel calmer, more relaxed, because you will make the bad energy go out the window (literally). 

Here we go:

    1. Take a look around and notice of things that you surround yourself with makes you feel good? Maybe there is something that just drives you crazy every time you look at it? It might be a vase that was a gift years ago or painting that has a wrong colour palette. Every item in you house has it’s specific energy. You can tell if that energy suits you if it makes you feel good. Depending on that certain things can either give you power, strength and motivation or block it. You should not keep anything in house that does not give you a good feeling. Even if you can’t explain what is it with that vase that you do not find attractive, if it does make you happy, it is not right for you. 
    2. How often do you open the windows to let the fresh air in? The breeze that goes trough rooms changes the energy very quickly and not only gives you more oxygen, but also clears the space even if you don’t fiscally see it. Take a big deep breath in and let the fresh air surround you.

Let the fresh air in your home to instantly change the energy

3. Do you have dust on things where you can’t clean them of easily enough? High shelfs are the best dust and stuck energy collectors. If you are someone who really hates to clean dust (I hear you, because I am one of them too), there can be several solutions to make your life easier. For example, you can use decorative boxes, choose more closed cabinets instead of the open ones and use drawers. In other words, your worst enemy is open shelfs with too many things, because it just takes ages to clean each and every peace. 

To get some ideas, you can see my board on Pinterest:

4. There is one thing that all have us have had or have in our homes and it is broken, damaged dishes. These are also one of those things that like to stick to negative energy, so if it is permanently broken  – get rid of it. You also should not keep damaged vases, plates, glasses, clocks and other stuff. Take them out of your house and see how energy switches. 

5.   Essential oils can be a great help to change the mood, clear smells, calm the mind and switch to positive energy. Diffuser here can be of great use, otherwise you can use oils to your skin. Citrus, rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus, teeter oils will be your friends to get in to better mood.

6. My personal favourite things of all is to move furniture around. If your space allows that, it is one of the greatest changes you can physically make to completely get rid of all negative energy, because by moving things around, you don’t let them get stuck in one place. That doesn’t allow energy to get stuck there either. 

P.S. This works wonders with kids. They love to play around and by moving their furniture, you will create a completely new playground and make them so much more excited. 

There are other things that you can use to change the energy in your home if you are in to them, like crystals. Some of them are specially used to clear out negative energy. For example, BLACK TOURMALINE is a very powerful  stone that protects against negativity of all kinds, ROSE QUARTZ replaces negative energy with Positive. Choosing to put them next to your electric appliances you will nicely balance the energy. Other things to brighten up your space you could use are bells. As the sound vibrations disperse blocked energy, the sweet chimes work to uplift the fresh energy. 

Even if you don’t think that your house has a negative energy, it is worth to use one or more of my suggestions to clear your space anyways, because sometimes we get so busy in our lives, that we do not pay attention to things we don’t see.  We assume they don’t affect us and not knowingly we let them take over. Only once we see the shift in positive direction, we realise how bad it actually was before.  

I hope that my suggestions will help you to clear your space from that negative energy that inevitably accumulates in our homes.

Have you got any more to add to this list? I’d love to hear them. Tell me your best tips in the comments below. I can’t wait to read them!



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Tidy your house in 30 minutes.

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Tidy your house in 30 minutes!

Specially useful when your guests are soon to be at your doorstep

A quick swipe over sometimes can be exactly what you need, but I suggest you don’t make it your habit. As a result things on the surface will look great, but under everything will still pile up. Therefore I hope these tips will lead you to deeper cleaning once you see how much you can actually achieve in such a short amount of time.

At the end of the day, if it takes you 30 minutes to sprint through the house to make yourself and your guests more comfortable, then go for it!


1.Get clear in how big of a mess you’re really in. Go through all the rooms, but do not do this empty handed. In one hand take a bin bag for all the rubbish you see around and in other hand take a bowl or something to put dirty dishes in (they tend to appear in mystical places). Be critical – everything that should be thrown out needs to go in to the bin bag without hesitation. 

2. Every room that you enter OPEN THE WINDOW, because fresh air will keep you motivated and change the energy + you will get rid of dirty air. Now take a deep breath in and let’s continue. 

Fresh air lightens the mood and changes the energy in your house

3. Put all the little things that are just lying around your house in their places. Don’t worry if that take too much time, you can put them all in one drawer or a bag for later sorting. You can use this tactic only when in rush, because it is a dangerous habit to change later.

P.S. If you forget about those little things, remember about them a week later or do not want to look at them anymore, most likely they have served the time and can be given to people who would appreciate them more. As an alternative, they can be thrown out so they could not bother you again. 

4. After going through the rooms and collecting garbage and dirty dishes, put those things where they belong – bing bag in a bin, dirty dishes in the washing machine. In case you do not have a washing machine, put them in a sink, fill it up with water and add a dish washing soap, leave to soak. You will have time to wash them later. 

5. Go through the rooms again and close all the windows. Take a quick glance around the room and if you notice something that still needs to be put in its right place, do it. 

6. Bathroom – take all the dirty towels and put in dirty laundry bag. On all the shiny parts (tiles, sink etc.) spray the cleaning product and let it on for now. Put a cleaning liquid in a toilet and leave while completing next steps. We will come back for this!

7. Living room (the room where you will most probably welcome your guests) – fold all the blankets that are there, remote controls put in their designated places. All the newspapers and journals nicely put in one pile. 

8. Back to the kitchen. All the dishes are now nicely soaked and will be much easier and faster to wash. If a dishwasher have already done the job, congratulations, more time to do other things 🙂 Look around and if you notice other products lying around, put them in the fridge. Everything else you can put in one corner on the kitchen counter. With a humid cloth go over all the counter tops and clean also the sink. 

9. Bathroom again! Quickly wipe all the shiny parts that you did spray with a cleaning product before. Don’t forget to clean the mirror. Put the clean towels out. 

10. Door bell not ringing yet? In the short amount of time that you still have go through all the rooms again to make sure you have not missed something. 

That’s it! You did it! Imagine if you have done some much in such short amount of time, what could you do with more time and motivation?

I hope you will enjoy your time with guests and they will appreciate and respect your clean house.

If you wish to share your tips, I would be more than happy to read your experience.  Please leave a comment if this 30 minutes sprint have worked for you and share them if you think that someone might benefit. 

I wish you to create that special space that you feel comfortable in and keep it nice and tidy. 



What to know how to organize anything?

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I firmly believe that clearing your home clears your mind

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