
Thank you!

Blog Rich vs Wealthy Agnese Rudzate business online coach

Thank you for completing your Freedom Form, I can confirm I have successfully received it and take time to review them on a regular occasion to monitor your progress and consider how I can further assist you.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your wins! I read each and every one of your successes, celebrate you, and feature a handful of ladies in our weekly/monthly wins thread/video – please take the time to have a look at these in the Facebook member’s area.

Any struggles that are highlighted on your form that you appear to need help getting under control will be dealt with separately on the scheduled group calls or privately.

Please remember that I am here for you and encourage you to prioritise group calls so that you can take full advantage of your mentorship. In between group calls, I would love to see you interacting in the Facebook members area as we know that full emersion is imperative to maximise on the results of your experience.

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